Tour Of (The Renaissance) Europe — RANKED!!

Hey guys!

Recently, my friend and I took a tour of Europe (before Coronavirus became an epidemic..and then a pandemic) so that we could learn more about the Renaissance age.

Soo, we decided to talk about it because we got bored in our homes.
To make this more interesting than just talking about…we decided to rank the places we visited.

5. Palazzo Vecchio

Palazzo Vecchio

We were curious about how the government operated during the Renaissance, so we toured Palazzo Vecchio. 

Palazzo Vecchio was once the home of the Medici family in 1537 and the center of government in Florence, Italy. The Medici’s were once a powerful family who earned their wealth from banking. Along with that, elected councils previously governed from there. On the other hand, the pope had controlled central Italy, at the same time, the emperor ruled the Holy Roman Empire (which is now Germany & northern Italy).

Statue of Pope inside Palazzo Vecchio

Did you know that Michaelangelo and da Vinci were commissioned to produce paintings here?!

Even though Palazzo Vecchio was a beautiful place with a fantastic history, other places were more fascinating. 

4. The Louvre Museum

Noor and I in front of the Louvre Museum

From Italy to Paris, France, we visited the Louvre Museum, which displays the world’s most famous –and mysterious– painting…

…The Mona Lisa! Painted by Leonardo da Vinci sometime during 1503 and 1519. The reasons for why it was painted are unclear. Still, many think it’s because Leonardo was requested by a husband who was also a wealthy merchant.

Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum

Unique Features Of The Painting

  • Portrays a feeling of dimension
  • Creates the illusion that her eyes are following you
  • Used a new technique – sfumato. This is where a hazy, dreamlike feel is created

With his unique style, Leonardo’s methods helped revolutionize many paintings that came after the Mona Lisa.

There were many other paintings by Leonardo that we saw, like Saint John the Baptist and The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne. 

Learning about and seeing the Mona Lisa was really interesting, but there was another museum that was even more interesting….

3. The Leonardo Interactive Museum

Back in Florence, Italy, we visited a museum dedicated entirely to Leonardo and his inventions.

One could find precise models of Leonardo’s designs (found in his notebooks) there. We got to see the models of the armored tank, the flying machine, the cannon, etc. Additionally, there were many of his ideas displayed, like the Vitruvian Man. 

Models of Da Vinci’s designs
Noor with model of da Vinci’s cannon

This museum unmistakably captivated us, although there were other places (outside) that were undoubtedly compelling.

2. The Marketplaces

Piazza del Mercato, Piazza Della Repubblica (used to be called Piazza del Mercato Vecchio), and Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, as we learned, were some marketplaces that prospered during the Renaissance. The markets are located in Siena and Florence, Italy, respectively. 

Merchants, butchers, and bakers sold their goods at the markets. Jugglers, acrobats, and street singers entertained us. The markets showed us how they were, and still are, a meeting place for the middle class, peasants, craftsmen, children, and beggars. 

Mercato Nuovo
Piazza Della Repubblica
Piazza del Mercato
Courtyard of Piazza della Repubblica

Influences Of Renaissance Markets

Many of you may be thinking of how similar the markets are to the present day ones…well you’re right about that.

  • Markets are still used to see different goods
  • Various people with distinctive backgrounds gather in markets (or other common places)
  • Street singers, acrobats, and living statues still entertain people

Times Square in Manhattan, NY, and Faneuil Hall in Boston, MA, are examples of modern-day markets.

The markets were lovely, and they certainly exhibited the culture of the Renaissance Age. Although our visit to a certain someone’s home will take the lead.

1. The Birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci

We got pretty interested in Leonardo da Vinci and his life, interests, ideas, and inventions. Therefore, we visited the home of one of the greatest minds in history. 

In Anchiano, Italy, we toured the childhood home of Da Vinci, which has now been converted into a museum. The museum features a hologram of an old Leonardo da Vinci, who recounts his life story, an interactive walkthrough of his paintings, and a virtual itinerary.

His home was small, but a beautiful one. It’s surrounded by beautiful hills and vast fields of vineyards and olive trees.

Me in the courtyard of da Vinci’s home

With a hologram, his work displayed, and beautiful scenery, no wonder this was our favorite!

*Visited Europe/written post with Tips + Tricks *

Watch out for the next post (which may or may not come very soon as we are all bored stuck at home)!!

I also have plans for making cannon, very convenient and easy for transport, which to hurl small stones in the manner almost of hail, causing great terror to the enemy from their smoke, and great loss and confusion.

– Note written by Leonardo da Vinci in his notebook

Book Review (Part I): Legend


Recently, I started reading this series called Legend. I haven’t gotten far so I’ll be splitting this post into 2 parts.


This is the first book in the sci-fi trilogy. The series is also called Legend and the books are written by Marie Lu.

The book is about:

June, a 15 year old prodigy, and born into an elite family in one of the Republic’s wealthiest districts, is being taught for success in the Republic’s most prestigious universities.

On the other hand, Day, a 15 year old who was born into the slums in the Republic’s poor district, is the country’s most wanted criminals. Although, he has never killed anyone and his motives may not be as malicious as they seem.

More About The Book

  • Each chapter rotates between the perspectives of June and Day
  • The setting of the book is where the Republic and the Colonies, 2 parts of the US, are at war
  • A rebel group called the Patriots gets mixed in to the fight
  • The story is set in the Republic, and both Day and June (the main characters) are ‘citizens’ of the Republic, so the story is only from the perspective of the Republic
  • There is a test, called the Trial, that all citizens must take once they are 10 years. It determines a person’s academic career and their (job) career. (Sounds like The Giver, right?)

There’s not much more for me to say since I’m not even close to finishing the book.

Soo, watch out for part II of this review!

If it’s a good book, anyone will read it. I’m totally unashamed about reading things I loved in my childhood.

– J.K. Rowling

Black Hole Paradox


I recently read this article about the black hole paradox. Soo now I’m gonna talk about it ‘cause I think it’s pretty interesting.

If you’re not interested in this topic, I suggest you stop reading now.

Firstly…What’s A Paradox?

Many of you may or may not know what a paradox is, so here’s a brief explanation.

A paradox is a supposedly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition. When investigated/explained it may prove to be well founded or true.

People, scientists and experts included, have found thousands of paradoxes…some solved and others still confusing people.

The Black Hole Information Paradox

This paradox threatens to entangle the fields of general relativity and quantum mechanics.

So what do I mean by ‘information’?

Usually the information we talk about is visible to the naked eye. Let’s take this cabbage for example.

A cabbage..

From what we can see, this cabbage is, well, green, kinda round, with a white stem. Although physicists are more concerned about its quantum information.

Quantum information is the quantum properties of all the particles that make up (for example) the cabbage; such as its position, velocity, and spin.

What does this have to do with black holes?

Hypothetically, if the cabbage were to enter the black hole, it seems as though it has left the universe and all its quantum information is irretrievably lost.

This doesn’t immediately break the laws of physics. The information might be out of sight but there is a chance that it may still exist within the black hole.

On the other hand, some think that the information never makes it into the black hole.

When seen from outside, it’s as if the cabbage’s quantum information gets encoded on the surface layer of the black hole, otherwise known as the event horizon.

When the black hole’s mass increases, the surface of the event horizon increases with it. Soo, it’s probable that when a black hole swallows an object, it also grows large enough to conserve the object’s quantum information.

Although, the laws of physics remain instant even if the information is conserved inside or on the surface of the black hole.

Until you consider…

Hawking Radiation

Discovered by Stephen Hawking in 1974, this phenomenon show that black holes are steadily evaporating. Over time, black holes lose mass as they shed particles from their event horizons.

Stephen Hawking
1942 – 2018

At first, it seems as though the evaporating particles are unrelated to the information a black hole can encode…

…but that can suggest that a black hole and all the information it contains could be lost.

A question that often arises is “Does that quantum information truly disappear? If not, where does it go?”

And although the evaporation process occurs over a long period of time, the questions that it raises for physics are by far more urgent.

If information can be destroyed, then we would be forced to rewrite some of our most fundamental scientific paradigms.

What Are The Different Theories/Solutions?

  • The paradox is just a misunderstanding of how general relativity and quantum mechanics interact
  • A solution to this paradox (and others) will come with a “unified theory of everything”
  • Holographic Principle – (firstly the event horizon is 2D), it suggests that the boundary of the observable universe is 2D, and it’s encoded with information about real, 3D objects. If this principle is true, then it’s possible that reality as we know it is just a holographic projection of that information.

So…did you know about this paradox before? If not, do you find it interesting?

What about the theories? Which ones do you think is most likely to be true? Do you have a theory?

Fun fact: not all black holes are black. If you want to know why that is, click the link below

First picture of a black hole

One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect.

Perfection simply doesn’t exist…

Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

– Stephen Hawking


Article I read


Picture of black hole

Picture of cabbage

Picture of Stephen Hawking

Video – Hawking’s Black hole paradox explained

Souls. Real or Fiction?


You’re probably asking why I’m writing about souls all of a sudden…it’s because some of my classmates started talking about it and the topic sparked my interest.

Yeah it’s a very interesting reason. Anyways, hope you like the post!

What Are Souls?

Some people might be asking what souls are. Well, souls can have many meanings, especially in different religions.

Though, on an universal scale, souls are “the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal”; they are thought to be immortal.

Souls can have deeper meanings, be symbolic, and even be associated with daily life. Have you ever read a book where souls or a word that replaces/means souls are mentioned?

But, are souls real or are they just fiction? Were they established only because people couldn’t understand something?

Souls in our galaxy?

Yes, Souls Are Real

In 1907, Dr. Duncan MacDougall, a Massachusetts doctor, performed a series of experiments trying to prove that souls are real. He said that human souls have mass and therefore could be weighed. His experiment is famously known as the “21 grams soul experiment”.

He conducted his experiment by fitting a bed with a sensitive set of beam scales and convincing ill patients to lie on it during the last few moments of their lives.

MacDougall recorded everything. Even factored in losses of bodily fluids and gasses (like oxygen and nitrogen). He concluded that the human soul weighs 21 grams (or 3/4 of an ounce).

Text from The NY Times newspaper

Even when people fought back at this claim, he kept trying to prove that souls are real. He had said that he would photograph the moment the soul leaves the body. And, he was able to do it…maybe….he had managed to photograph “a light resembling that of the interstellar ether” in/around the person’s skull.

Though, there’s not much scientific evidence today to prove that souls are real, some like to believe they are because they say that the universe is a mysterious thing.

I mean they are not wrong…there are many things that have baffled scientists and physicists alike.

No, Of Course They Are Fictive

There were many people who had debated with MacDougall. One was a physician names Augustus P. Clarke. He had pointed out that when one dies, the lungs stop cooling the blood, which causes the body temperature to rise, making the skin sweat. And the sweat would account for the loss of 21 grams.

MacDougall did make a counter argument and this way the debate kept going…probably to this day.

Science says that the fact that people think the brain is simply a storage for the soul to rest in is absurd. In addition, most have concluded that the soul is nothing more than an abstract idea.

It states that the word “mind” is a useful idea but the close link between the brain and mental function leaves no room for a physical mind (which is something separate for the brain) to hide. should be the same for the soul.

If you want some evidence for these claims, here it is.

Sean M. Carroll, a physicist, made a video that conveyed that physics shows that souls don’t exist. He says that there is much of physics we don’t understand, but the physics of our Newtonian world is well understood.

So basically he states that we know enough to rule out astrology, clairvoyance (power to see into the future), life after death, etc.

So what do you think?

Could souls possibly be real knowing that we don’t know everything about the universe and haven’t discovered or understood many ideas?


With the science you now know and thinking of the fact that humans have this need to explain everything, the concept of souls was established just to satisfy that need?

Keep moving forward, if it’s time to go, it’s time.

Nothing lasts forever.

– Stan Lee


Do Souls Exist? Science Says No.

New York Times newspaper page image

Souls in galaxy image

The Man Who Tried to Weigh the Soul

New Year’s Resolutions

Hey!! Merry Christmas!

So now that it’s Christmas, New Year’s is just around the corner.

And…with New Year’s people start making resolutions that they say are going to keep (we all know almost no one actually remembers).

Before I tell you guys what my resolutions will be, I’m gonna talk about how resolutions came about and the top 10 most popular resolutions.


How Did Resolutions Start?

*This part is for history lovers or the curious*

About 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians started New Year’s resolutions. They are said to be the first to make goals, and to the first to hold celebrations for the new year.

A similar practice is said to have occurred in Ancient Rome, after Julius Caesar improved the calendar and established January 1st the beginning of a new year.

Afterwards, for the early Christians, the 1st day of the new year became the occasion for thinking about past mistakes and resolving to do better in the future.

In 1740, JohnWesley created Covenant Renewal Service, which is more commonly known held on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

Today, New Year’s resolutions are not promises to the gods, instead it’s for people to focus on themselves and their goals.

10 Most Popular Resolutions

  1. Diet or eat healthier
  2. Exercise more
  3. Lose weight
  4. Save more and spend less
  5. Learn a new skill or hobby
  6. Quit smoking
  7. Read more
  8. Find another job
  9. Drink less alcohol
  10. Spend more time with family and friends

According to research on the topic of New Year’s resolutions, about 60% admit that they make resolutions, but only about 8% are successful.

My Resolutions

For my academic goal, I want to procrastinate less and get into honors for all my subjects.

For my personal goal, I want to get more sleep.

That’s it for this post, what are your resolutions…do you have any?

I shouldn’t be alive unless it was for a reason

I’m not crazy, Pepper

I just finally know what I have to do and I know in my heart that it’s right.

– Tony Stark; Iron Man


2020 Fireworks Picture

History – The History of New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolution Picture

Procrastination Picture

10 Top New Year’s Resolutions for Success and Happiness in 2019

A & A: 1

This is not Annie

But HELLO. It is I, HER BEST FRIEND………..Akshara!

I don’t really know what to talk about. And I also don’t really know why we switched blogs.

I am a gryffindor. My mbti is ENFJ and it is very accurate. I love music so much…I’m listening to music right now. You should check my blog out.

Annie convinced me to read inheritance and it’s pretty good. I only finished like the first couple chapters—even though I got the book like 4 days ago- because I am too lazy to read.

Fjcismfufhsnaisnnfufiens – Annie

Peace ✌️

History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and most people are getting ready for their feasts; but have you ever thought about why so many people celebrate this day?

I’ll be talking about the history since some people love history (like me), and it might be interesting to learn about the origins.

What Is Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving is an annual national holiday in the United States and Canada, which celebrates the harvest of the year.

People usually celebrate with their families and friends by hosting or attending a feast. The feasts typically include turkey, bread stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, and pies.

Typical Thanksgiving feast

How Did It Start?

Thanksgiving is modeled on a 1621 harvest feast shared by the Pilgrims (also called English colonists) of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.

The 1621 feast started with the pilgrims going out to catch prey, most likely geese or ducks. Afterwards, about 90 Wampanoag surprised the colonists by arriving at their settlement’s gate. This unnerved the colonists, but the two groups socialized without any incidents for a few days.

The Pilgrims and the Wampanoag eating together

The Wampanoags brought fowl, (most likely) fish, eels, shellfish, stews, vegetables, and beer. Since there weren’t many buildings, everyone ate and enjoyed themselves outside.

Eventually, the feast led to the groups sealing a treaty, which lasted until King Phillip’s War in 1675.

How Thanksgiving Became A Holiday

Once the U.S. Continental Constitution was established, they proclaimed a national Thanksgiving. Though, they left it to the states to decide if they would celebrate. Some didn’t want to get involved in religious practices of New England, and others were slow to adopt the customs.

Thanksgiving did not become an official holiday until the “Northerners” dominated the federal government. On October 3, 1863, Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on November 26.

Abraham Lincoln proclaiming Thanksgiving to be a national holiday

The holiday was annually proclaimed by every president thereafter, and the date was chosen to be the last Thursday in November. Later, in 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt changed the date, making Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November.

Why People Still Celebrate Today

As the country grew and family members began to live apart, Thanksgiving became a time to come together.

The holiday moved far from it’s religious beginnings with the pilgrims and the Wampanoag people. This also allowed immigrants of every background to celebrate this common tradition.

Soon, Thanksgiving became a symbol of peace, America’s opportunity for newcomers, and the sanctity of home and family.

People coming together for Thanksgiving

That’s it for this post. I hope you enjoyed and, maybe, learned something about Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving (if you celebrate)!

Coming together is the beginning

Keeping together is progress

Working together is success

– Henry Ford


Abraham Lincoln picture


Family picture

Feast picture

Pilgrims and Wampanoag picture

Random Facts, Jokes, and Riddles

Hi, how’s life?

This post is different than my last posts. In this post, as you can tell by the title, will have some facts about random topics, some jokes and riddles.

I might be doing a post like this after ones like I normally do or when I can’t think of something to write about.

Enjoy! 🙃

Movie Review: Maleficent: The Mistress of Evil



This post will be about the new Maleficent movie, which is a sequel to Maleficent, that hit theaters on October 18, 2019.


When Aurora and Prince Phillip get engaged, Aurora and Maleficent are invited to the prince’s castle for dinner. Aurora’s future mother-in-law, a convincing Queen, hatches a devious plot to destroy The Moors (land of the fairies). Hoping to stop the Queen, Maleficent joins forces with a warrior and a group of outcasts to stop her and her army.

To watch the trailer click here


Joachim Rønning, a Norwegian film director who co-owns Motion Blur, one of Scandinavia’s largest production companies for commercials.

Some other movies he directed are Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Beatles, and Kon-Tiki.

Characters In The Movie

Angelina Jolie as Maleficent
Elle Fanning as Aurora
Harris Dickinson as Prince Phillip
Michelle Pfeiffer as Queen Ingrith (Prince Phillip’s mom)
Sam Riley as Diaval (the raven)
Emma Maclennan as the voice of Pinto (my fav character)

Why Is Maleficent 2 A Good Movie?

I watched this movie with two of my friends, and all of us enjoyed it very much. Personally, I think this movie gave some justice to Maleficent.

The sequel shows more of why Maleficent is over protective of Aurora. It also shows that the people who are shown as villains aren’t always evil. Most of the time, they are misjudged or there are others trying to harm them in a way no one else sees.

Usually, everyone follows the hero of the movie and retaliates against the villain. This movie shows that just because a person seems to be good doesn’t always mean they are, deep down.

If you like the fantasy genre, then this is a movie for you. Even if you don’t, this is a pretty good movie and I would recommend watching it.

That’s it for this time, hope you enjoyed it!

We’ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.

Sirius Black; The Prisoner of Azkaban


Aurora picture

Diaval picture

IMBD Maleficent : Mistress Of Evil

Maleficent picture #1

Maleficent picture #2

Pinto picture

Poster picture

Prince Philip picture

Queen Ingrith picture

The Greatest Showman


As you can tell from the title, I’ll be reviewing a great movie/musical that you should really watch. The movie has many great songs that will tempt you to sing along. Anyways, enjoy!

To watch the trailer for The Greatest Showman, click here


Phineas Taylor Barnum, the son of a tailor, becomes friends with Charity, the daughter of a rich man. Suddenly, Phineas’ father dies, leaving him a penniless orphan. When he grows up he marries Charity and has a good job, but later he and his co-workers are dismissed. As he gets an idea for displaying an exhibition of “freaks” (like the world’s tallest person), he has criticizes everywhere, trying to shut down his “circus”.

Director, Composers, and Awards

Directed by Michael Gracey

Music composed by Joseph Trapanese and John Debney

Awards won:

  • Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Actress: Drama – Zendaya
  • Bandung Film Festival for Imported Film
  • Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie: Drama
  • Teen Choice Award for a Choice Movie Actor: Drama – Zac Efron
  • Kids’ Choice Award for Favorite Movie Actress – Zendaya
  • Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie ‘Ship – Zendaya & Zac Efron


As I mentioned above, Greatest Showman is a musical. It has great songs, that I may or may not be obsessed with. Below is the list of songs, in order:

3 Reasons Why The Movie Is Amazing

1. Great plot

The Greatest Showman has a great plot to it.’s a true story. The movie is based on the real life visionary, PT Barnum, who opens a circus to “show-off” all the “freaks”.

Interesting fact: PT Barnum met Queen Victoria at age 33 in the Buckingham Palace.

P.T. Barnum

The movie has many themes to it; it shows how we should celebrate and accept our differences, to take care of and love our friends and family at all times, and more.

2. Songs

I’m not going to go into details for the songs, but they are pretty good and you should check them out.

3. Actors

Personally, I like the cast for the movie. I think each of them brought their characters to life in a really nice way.

Some of the actors are:

  • Hugh Jackman (PT Barnum)
  • Zendaya (Anne Wheeler; “freak”)
  • Zac Efron (Phillip Carlyle)
  • Michelle Williams (Charity; wife of PT Barnum)
  • Rebecca Ferguson (Jenny Lind; Swedish opera singer)
Hugh Jackman
Zac Efron
Michelle Williams
Rebecca Ferguson


So that’s it for this time! Hopefully, you liked it and might want to watch the movie.

Sorry I haven’t been posting for a while. I’ll try to keep posting from now on.

Comment if you have any ideas for the next post! Open to all ideas!

No one ever made a difference being like everyone else.

PT Barnum

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