New Year’s Resolutions

Hey!! Merry Christmas!

So now that it’s Christmas, New Year’s is just around the corner.

And…with New Year’s people start making resolutions that they say are going to keep (we all know almost no one actually remembers).

Before I tell you guys what my resolutions will be, I’m gonna talk about how resolutions came about and the top 10 most popular resolutions.


How Did Resolutions Start?

*This part is for history lovers or the curious*

About 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians started New Year’s resolutions. They are said to be the first to make goals, and to the first to hold celebrations for the new year.

A similar practice is said to have occurred in Ancient Rome, after Julius Caesar improved the calendar and established January 1st the beginning of a new year.

Afterwards, for the early Christians, the 1st day of the new year became the occasion for thinking about past mistakes and resolving to do better in the future.

In 1740, JohnWesley created Covenant Renewal Service, which is more commonly known held on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

Today, New Year’s resolutions are not promises to the gods, instead it’s for people to focus on themselves and their goals.

10 Most Popular Resolutions

  1. Diet or eat healthier
  2. Exercise more
  3. Lose weight
  4. Save more and spend less
  5. Learn a new skill or hobby
  6. Quit smoking
  7. Read more
  8. Find another job
  9. Drink less alcohol
  10. Spend more time with family and friends

According to research on the topic of New Year’s resolutions, about 60% admit that they make resolutions, but only about 8% are successful.

My Resolutions

For my academic goal, I want to procrastinate less and get into honors for all my subjects.

For my personal goal, I want to get more sleep.

That’s it for this post, what are your resolutions…do you have any?

I shouldn’t be alive unless it was for a reason

I’m not crazy, Pepper

I just finally know what I have to do and I know in my heart that it’s right.

– Tony Stark; Iron Man


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