Scarecrow Contest

Salut! Ça va aujourd’hui? (Hello! How are you today?)

For this post, I decided to write about a school event. I don’t have much more to say so, enjoy!

So, what is the Scarecrow contest?

It’s a school-wide event where each team (Red, Blue, Green, Gold, and White) compete against each other to gain Color Cup points.

In each team, each of the 4 homerooms have to make a scarecrow on the theme they have chosen; out of materials they can find around the classroom or bring in from home.

For example, in the picture below, 8 Red seems to have chosen seasons and each homeroom did one of the 4 seasons…for summer, they did a mermaid and so on.

Scarecrows of 8 Red from last year
Scarecrows of 8 Blue from last year


I don’t know all the rules for the contest so, if you are curious, check the flyers that have been put up.


For this year, the scarecrows will be placed on these 3 categories:

  • Theme – How close the scarecrows are to the team’s theme
  • Creativity – How much “outside the box” thinking has been used
  • Execution – How well done the scarecrows are

If best in category, the team is awarded 5 points. For 2nd best, 4 points, 3rd is 3 points, 4th is 2 points, and 5th is 1 point.

3 points are deducted if the team has broken a rule or has used the surrounding area as their background.

So that’s it for this post, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want me to write about anything, please comment your ideas!

GOOD LUCK to each team for the contest!!!

Logic will get you from A to B.

Imagination will take you everywhere.

– Albert Einstein


Hey!! Welcome back to Glimpsing My Life! I hope you have been enjoying my posts so far.

Anyway, as I said in my first post, I’ll be sometimes be writing about my school life (and if you forgot or didn’t read it, they include field trips, ongoing/upcoming events, and maybe about clubs that I do).

So, I decided to write about our 8th grade trip to Teamworks.

What’s Teamworks?

All of you who have already gone on the trip, know what it is and why we go there.

For those who haven’t being on the trip yet; Teamworks is a recreational center where family or a group of friends could go to have some fun and/or learn to work together. There many activities where teamwork is highly required, without it you won’t be able to succeed.

Why Do We Go There?

We go to on this trip in the beginning of the year, just when everyone is starting to get to know each other.

These are the few reasons we go there (I’m quoting my teachers for some of them):

  • Communication
  • Listening to others
  • Participating mindfully
  • Working together (the whole time!)
  • Going out of your comfort zone
  • Respecting others (which also means not laughing at them)

Skills such as working together as a team, listening to each other, and participating, are very important, especially when it comes to group work. But most importantly, at Teamworks, you are able to go out of your comfort zone and have some fun!

For example: Just by working as a team not only was my group, and many other groups, were able to succeed in most activities, but we were able to have lots of fun!!

The Activities

There were a variety of activities/courses in Teamworks. All of them required coming up with strategies on how to solve it, finish the course, or in some cases, defeat the other team.

Acid River

In Acid River, you have to get your whole group from one side of the “river” to the other by setting up planks on stumps to walk across on. This is a really fun activity, and it is not impossible. It’s just everyone has to squished together, like really close, and try not to fall off, which would mean your whole group would have to reset.

Rock Climbing Wall

This is pretty self explanatory


For this activity, you have to climb up a ladder and, pegs to reach the horizontal log, and basically hug the pole to get onto the log. This was probably the scary part for people. Thought, once you are on the log, you just walk across and at the end jump backwards. Jumping backwards, in my opinion, was the best part, I just found really fun.


We played two games of dodgeball, Revenge and Doctor. The first was normal dodgeball, people whipping balls at each other and waking up the next day finding their arms really sore. The second game (Doctor), however, was basically normal dodgeball, but you had a doctor who could “revive” people who were out.


I think all of us know what speedball is, right? You basically have two groups, and it’s like soccer, except you can’t kick the ball, instead you have to throw it. Halfway through the game, we started playing with two balls instead of one.

Kai Zhan

For this activity, there are numbers placed on the floor, which looks to be placed randomly. Teamwork, communication, and participating (mindfully) is very important if you want to succeed. “Name of activity* is where each person in your group gets a number and we have to step on our number (in consecutive order) as quickly as we can. The goal is to try to do it as fast as you can. It sounds hard, but after some hints are given, it gets easier and we can do it way faster.

Biggest Fan (card game)

Many people have played this game before. It’s where each person gets a card and you compete against another person to find a similar object on their cards. If the other person loses, you become their “biggest fan” and cheer them on when they are competing, vice versa.

The Catwalk ropes course

Overall, I thought Teamworks was really fun and I had a great time there. My favorite activity was probably Acid River and I learned that sometimes, going out of your comfort zone can be a really fun experience 😉

What was your favorite activity at Teamworks? Comment your answers!

In my moments of doubt, I’ve told myself firmly, “If not me, who? If not now, when?”

– Emma Wastson

Movie Review: Avengers Endgame


This is my first movie review of the year and what other movie to start it off than Endgame!

By the way, any Marvel fans reading this??

Soo, almost everyone has watched Endgame by now. They have released the DVDs for Endgame too. Though, if you haven’t watched Endgame yet and want to watch it, this post is going to have spoilers, so read at your own risk.


Book Review: The Inheritance Cycle

As you already know (if you read my last post) I love The Inheritance Cycle. It’s a great series to read, especially if you love Harry Potter. Both series are similar, but one has more “WOW” moments.

Though, it’s fantasy, so if you don’t like books with magic and things like that, I would recommend you to stop reading here….unless you are wondering what the series is about, then keep reading.

I hope I can encourage some of you to read the books! Enjoy!


The Inheritance Cycle is written by Christopher Paolini and consists of 4 books — Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr (BrI-sisinge-er), and Inheritance. The novels are set in the fictional world of Alagaësia (Al-uh-gay-zee-uh), following the many adventures of a Rider named Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, as they try to overthrow the mad king, Galbatorix, who has been ruling over the land for over a century.

Reasons For Why You Should Read This

Firstly, to summarize the series is a bit complicated without giving away spoilers. Though, in my opinion, a book/series that is hard to summarize should be a great book because it would have many surprises along the way.

Secondly, here are my reasons for why this is a great book series and why you should read it:

– It’s fantasy, so it has magic and many unique species (and languages), which is almost like the Harry Potter series

– There are many amazing plot twists in the books that will be sure to keep you reading until the end

– I know I already said this but if you have read Harry Potter and love it, this is the next bewitching series you can start reading

– The way the series ends is also great. It’s obvious that it took the author a long time to think about it and perfect it, for the end is very emotional, it is bound to leave you thinking about it for days or weeks

A quote by Brom; from Eragon

Well, that’s it for this review. I hope I was able to charm some of you into reading the series.

If I was….once you are done reading the books, I recommend reading The Fork, The Witch, and The Worm…it’s the sequel to the series.

Also, I know my puns are terrible, but anyway, watch out for the next post! And if you enjoy my blog, please follow!

Misfortune always comes to those who wait. The trick is to find brief gaps of happiness between them.

– Roran; Brisingr

First Post of the Year!

Hey!! It’s Anasuya… Annie if you can’t say it. This is my first post on my new blog! This post will just be a couple things about me and what will be in my blog. Hope you enjoy and watch out for new posts!

Some quick facts about me

  • I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter, Marvel, Inheritance Cycle, and The Greatest Showman (I know that’s a lot of things 🙂 )
  • I love to read. To everyone who don’t like reading: “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. Rowling
  • My favorite authors are J.K. Rowling and Christopher Paolini
  • I’m a Gryffindor and honestly I don’t know how
  • I love quotes. I love them so much that I made a page that is meant solely for quotes…be sure to check it! (You can find it at the top of any page/post)
  • I’m really weird…in my own way 😉
Some of my favorite things

What will be in my blog

  • Reviews – I will occasionally be writing reviews on good books or movies that I read or watched. It’s all in my opinion of course, so I’m sorry if you don’t like a book that I do.
  • School – These posts will be about field trips, upcoming/ongoing events, and (maybe) about clubs that I do.
  • History & Science – I love them both and enjoy talking about it. So, some of my posts will be about these two subjects and new discoveries.
  • Traveling – I might write about places I have gone to during a break or places I have traveled to before, but don’t count on them.
  • Random things – When I can’t think of something to write about, I might just be writing about random stuff.


At the end of every post, there will be a quote by one of my favorite authors, a quote from a book or movie, or one that I really like.

You control your own life. Your own will is extremely powerful.

– J.K. Rowling
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