Scarecrow Contest

Salut! Ça va aujourd’hui? (Hello! How are you today?)

For this post, I decided to write about a school event. I don’t have much more to say so, enjoy!

So, what is the Scarecrow contest?

It’s a school-wide event where each team (Red, Blue, Green, Gold, and White) compete against each other to gain Color Cup points.

In each team, each of the 4 homerooms have to make a scarecrow on the theme they have chosen; out of materials they can find around the classroom or bring in from home.

For example, in the picture below, 8 Red seems to have chosen seasons and each homeroom did one of the 4 seasons…for summer, they did a mermaid and so on.

Scarecrows of 8 Red from last year
Scarecrows of 8 Blue from last year


I don’t know all the rules for the contest so, if you are curious, check the flyers that have been put up.


For this year, the scarecrows will be placed on these 3 categories:

  • Theme – How close the scarecrows are to the team’s theme
  • Creativity – How much “outside the box” thinking has been used
  • Execution – How well done the scarecrows are

If best in category, the team is awarded 5 points. For 2nd best, 4 points, 3rd is 3 points, 4th is 2 points, and 5th is 1 point.

3 points are deducted if the team has broken a rule or has used the surrounding area as their background.

So that’s it for this post, I hope you enjoyed it, and if you want me to write about anything, please comment your ideas!

GOOD LUCK to each team for the contest!!!

Logic will get you from A to B.

Imagination will take you everywhere.

– Albert Einstein

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