Movie Review: Avengers Endgame

7 Great Things About Endgame

1. Surprises Right From The Start

Few minutes into the movie, we saw Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Nebula on the Benetar Milano, the ship belonging to the Guardians of the Galaxy. On the ship, the two were playing paper football, but later we see him recording a message for Pepper. Then, his helmet, on which he was recording the message, “dies”. Just as Stark was about to lose all hope, he saw a bright light, which turned out to be Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers). Ultimately, she returned their ship back to Earth in front of the Avengers Headquarters.

And there are soo many more, but if were to name them all, this post would be really long.

Captain Marvel finds Tony Stark and Nebula on the Benetar Milano

2. Time Travel

Endgame is all about time travel, that was the only way the Avengers could defeat Thanos and bring back everyone back. It’s amazing how the movie was planned. From getting the Time Stone from the Ancient One to Loki’s escape with the Tesseract; everything connected from the previous movies connected somehow.

Surviving Avengers and Guardian right before the time heist

3. Return of ‘The Dusted’

This scene was not as special as when Cap said “Avengers Assemble”, but it’s still important. Though, Iron Man always gets the praise for snapping Thanos and his army, defeating them, but Hulk was the one who brought everyone back to life. Here’s what happened in that scene:

After every stone was brought to present day, Hulk was the one who snapped with the Infinity Gauntlet on. He had brought every ‘dusted’ person, animal, and other living things back. But that resulted permanent (maybe) damage to his arm. After a minute or so, Thanos attacked the headquarters.

Hulk with the Infinity Gauntlet on, about to snap

4. “Avengers…Assemble”

I think we can all agree when I say the scene everyone loved most was when Captain America said “Avengers…Assemble”. Last time Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, was going to say the iconic line was in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but his line was cut short. Some say that the director, Joss Whedon, did that on purpose, that he made sure Chris Evans did not even utter the word “Assemble”.

5. When All The Female Actors Came Together

I understand that some people didn’t like it when all the female actors, except Black Widow, were united in the fight scene. But, it wasn’t even that bad, I mean the scene did look really amazing and the Russo brothers had their reasons to add that scene.

In the scene, Captain Marvel, Gamora, Hope Pym (The Wasp), Mantis, Nebula, Okoye, Pepper Potts, Scarlet Witch, Shuri, and Valkyrie, all unite to fight Thanos and keep the gauntlet away from him.

The female Avengers unite for the fight scene in Endgame

6. The Sacrifices

This is not a great thing but it’s an important part of the movie and the Russo brothers needed to make way for the new generation somehow. 3 of the sacrifices were:

  • Black Widow – Natasha had sacrificed herself so that Clint could get the Soul Stone and be with his family once the snap was undone
  • Iron Man – Tony Stark was the one who, in the end, snapped Thanos and his army, ending the war. He knew it was risky and that he was leaving behind his family, but it was the only thing to do and only he could do it
  • Captain America – He was the one who took the stones back to where they were supposed to be, but he had decided to stay back and spend his life with Peggy Carter. In the end, Bucky and Falcon find him as an old man sitting on a bench by the lake, where he gave up his shield to Falcon, making him the new Captain America

Sorry for making you sad all over again

7. “I am Iron Man”

This was one of the greatest scenes in Endgame, don’t you agree?

Iron Man had taken the stones from Thanos’s gauntlet just before he snapped. Responding to Thanos’s “I am inevitable”, he says “And…I…am…Iron Man” and snaps, wiping out Thanos and his force. This was a deadly risk to take though, his body wasn’t able to take the full force of the snap, so sadly, he had sacrificed himself, leaving behind his wife, Pepper, and daughter, Morgan.

Again, sorry for making you sad

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