First Post of the Year!

Hey!! It’s Anasuya… Annie if you can’t say it. This is my first post on my new blog! This post will just be a couple things about me and what will be in my blog. Hope you enjoy and watch out for new posts!

Some quick facts about me

  • I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter, Marvel, Inheritance Cycle, and The Greatest Showman (I know that’s a lot of things 🙂 )
  • I love to read. To everyone who don’t like reading: “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” – J.K. Rowling
  • My favorite authors are J.K. Rowling and Christopher Paolini
  • I’m a Gryffindor and honestly I don’t know how
  • I love quotes. I love them so much that I made a page that is meant solely for quotes…be sure to check it! (You can find it at the top of any page/post)
  • I’m really weird…in my own way 😉
Some of my favorite things

What will be in my blog

  • Reviews – I will occasionally be writing reviews on good books or movies that I read or watched. It’s all in my opinion of course, so I’m sorry if you don’t like a book that I do.
  • School – These posts will be about field trips, upcoming/ongoing events, and (maybe) about clubs that I do.
  • History & Science – I love them both and enjoy talking about it. So, some of my posts will be about these two subjects and new discoveries.
  • Traveling – I might write about places I have gone to during a break or places I have traveled to before, but don’t count on them.
  • Random things – When I can’t think of something to write about, I might just be writing about random stuff.


At the end of every post, there will be a quote by one of my favorite authors, a quote from a book or movie, or one that I really like.

You control your own life. Your own will is extremely powerful.

– J.K. Rowling

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